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Transition into Reception

SEN support replaces what used to be called School Action and School Action Plus.

Some children who are known to the pre-school forum may not need specialist provision but further intervention is required.

The Pre-School Forum can refer them to specialist teachers from its' Learning Support Service or Complex Communication Difficulties Team who can support the child in their Nursery setting. They can also offer advice on suitable strategies and interventions for the school the child will be going to. 

As the child gets ready to start school the specialist teacher can give the school details of what the child is able to achieve and the tasks which they find difficult (known as a Profile of Strengths and Difficulties). The school can then use this information when plans are being made for the child to start school. 

SEND services can provide top-up funding to help the school meet the child's needs while the child is getting used to the changes which happen when a child moves from nursery to school.  The school will apply for this if they feel that it is needed and it is usually granted for 1 term.

This funding can also help the school to provide the necessary support and interventions needed and to monitor and consider whether or not to request an EHC Assessment later on during the Reception Year.

Where a school has become aware that a pupil has SEN it should refer to the Child's Profile of Strengths and Difficulties and provide any help and take any action recommended in that profile. This helps to gain a better understanding of the pupil and how their needs can best be met in their new school environment.

This SEN support will be available for the child and follow them when they enter Reception with the Graduated Response cycle of SEN support in place and funding if the school feels that it is needed.